Smackjeeves User Wiki

Avatar of I-Wanna-be-a-Marysue. Depicting two random men for no obvious reason.

I-wanna-be-a-Marysue (who sometimes shortens her name to Wannabe_Marysue, or even just Marysue) is a comic artist and writer. Marysue joined Smackjeeves late March, 2009.

Comics by this user[]

Dead Comics[]

Her first comic was a poorly made parody of fan fiction, made after she read some fan fiction which she really hated. It was called Mary Sue cures Uke disease. Continuing the very popular trend of people hating their first webcomics, Marysue hates her first webcomic.

Marysue's second comic, The Well Lit Hotel, was never given much attention and took a long time to make, so it was stopped.

Active comics[]

What Else Lurks in the Night is a comic made in the Sims2, an experiment by the author in working with a comic built by a game engine. It is also the most popular of the author's comics.

The second one is Soundless Medium, an experiment in using sound, motion, infinite canvas, and interactivity in a comic. The author hopes to make more interactive comics in future, and more webcomics which couldn't work as print comics because they use so many web-unique features.

Finally, she has a comic called Comics by I Wanna be a Marysue, a dump of her random comics.

Multi-author comics[]

She is also an author of Record in the Making and Shameless Advertising, although not the most active on either.

AndrewJames comparison

The many depictions of Andrew and James


This author has no self insert characters, despite her name, but has a couple of re-occurring ones. They are Andrew Anderson and James Sidney (last name spelled Sydney in some comics).

Andrew has orange hair, is very tall, is left handed, wears glasses because he is nearsighted, is bad at knowing when his behavior embarrasses others, doesn't want children ever, and thinks typos are the height of hilarity. His goal in life is to be popular and have as many close friends as possible.

James has brown styled hair, takes pride in his appearance, doesn't like nicknames, enjoys procrastination a lot, and has one older sibling and one younger sibling. His goal in life is to get rich, retire young, and holiday forever.


I-Wanna-be-a-Marysue's profile on Smackjeeves
